For nearly two decades, the NSA has searched millions of Americans’ telephone call records—all without a warrant or, for the vast majority of these calls, any suspicion of wrongdoing. But there’s a bill in Congress that would finally put an end to the Call Detail Records (CDR) program. Please tell your members of Congress to cosponsor the Ending Mass Collection of Americans’ Phone Records Act (S. 936, H.R. 1942).

Under the CDR program, the NSA has collected information about millions of Americans’ phone calls. While these records don’t contain the actual contents of telephone calls, they do include phone numbers and call times and length—more than enough information to provide the NSA a clear picture of our social relationships, interests, and affiliations.

Ever since USA FREEDOM Act reformed the CDR program in 2015, the civil liberties community and members of Congress have repeatedly asked the NSA for information about how widespread the CDR program is, but the NSA has been unable or unwilling to provide that information.

Now is the time to end this invasive surveillance program once and for all. Please tell your members of Congress to cosponsor the Ending Mass Collection of Americans’ Phone Records Act.

Take Action
Tell Congress to end the CDR program

Thank you,

Elliot Harmon
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation

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