This week, the House of Representatives will vote on the Innovation Act.

The Innovation Act is the best bill yet that stops patent trolls, bad actors who use intimidation and lawsuits to shake down inventors, small companies, and startups. That's why thousands of concerned individuals, companies, and organizations have joined us in supporting this bill. Now is the time for meaningful patent reform.

Will you call your representative and tell him or her to support this bill? We'll connect you with your representative and give you a very brief suggested script. Click here to call Congress now.

We want to generate thousands of calls between now and the vote later this week. Please call now and then tell your friends to speak out on this important issue. It's as easy as posting this on your social networking accounts:

I just asked my representative to fight patent trolls and support the #InnovationAct. Have you?

You can also use our Action Center to email Congress in support of the Innovation Act.

Thanks for joining us in this fight,

Adi Kamdar
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation

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