You can help save podcasting. A troll has been using an outrageously overbroad patent on distributing media files to sue podcasters and threaten others into settlements. EFF hopes to mount a campaign to bust the stupid, dangerously broad patent that Personal Audio has been using to shake down podcasters.

There’s a steep fee prescribed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the kind of challenge EFF plans to make, an inter partes review. But with your help and the help of podcast enthusiasts everywhere, we’ll be able to bring a robust case directly to the Patent Office to stop Personal Audio from doing any more damage to online broadcasters.

Patent trolls don’t make anything—they just use the threat of lawsuits to extort settlements from their targets. Their actions chill innovation and stymie working creators, and EFF would be proud to have your help in saving podcasting from this assault. Please consider supporting us today.

Donate to EFF

Thank you,
Julie Samuels
EFF Staff Attorney and Mark Cuban Chair to Eliminate Stupid Patents