This Thursday, I’ll be speaking in the Atlanta area about patents and patent trolls. It would be great to see you there.

We’ll be talking about the dangers that can come when universities sell or license patents to trolls, and some specific ways that people like you can band together in the fight to defend innovation. I’ll tell you about Reclaim Invention, EFF’s new campaign to change how universities think about patents.

This discussion is open to anyone. No legal or tech expertise is required. The hosts are charging one dollar for registration, but if you can't afford that, they’ll sign you up for free.

This event is being hosted by Prototype Prime, a new hackerspace in Peachtree Corners.

Thursday, November 17, 5:30 PM

Prototype Prime
147 Technology Parkway, Suite 100
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

More information

Warm regards,

Elliot Harmon
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Support our work to fight patent trolls