We've got a good shot to stop the FCC’s efforts to roll back net neutrality.

Last week, the FCC’s order rolling back rules that help keep the Internet open and free was officially published in the Federal Register. Net neutrality—the simple idea that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet fairly and, in particular, not block, throttle, or improperly prioritize some services and sites over others, has been vital to the growth of the Internet.

Under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Congress can overrule any regulation issued by a government agency with a simple majority. In this case, Congress has 60 working days to vote, and the clock started ticking last Thursday when the rule was officially published.

Today is a day of action to demand that Congress meet that deadline. The Senate’s bill is just one vote away from a majority. The bill in the House has 143 co-sponsors. To keep track of who has publicly committed to stand up for the Internet, overrule the FCC’s order, and restore real net neutrality, EFF is launching Check Your Reps, a tool that helps you see where your representatives stand and contact them to share your views.

Congress works for us, so let’s give them their marching orders. Please tell your representatives to bring back net neutrality protections.

Thank you,

Katharine Trendacosta
Policy Analyst
Electronic Frontier Foundation
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