We've got one more shot to stop the FCC’s efforts to roll back net neutrality.

Yesterday, the FCC published the order it voted on in December that rolls back the protections that help keep the Internet open and free. Net neutrality—the principal that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet equally and not block, throttle, or charge extra or access to it—has been vital to growth of the Internet. The vast majority of Americans support net neutrality as its death only benefits companies like Comcast and AT&T. With the FCC’s just-published order, net neutrality is no longer the law.

But just because the FCC has issued an order doesn’t mean that the telecom corporations have won. Under the Congressional Review Act, Congress can overrule any regulation issued by a government agency with a simple majority. Once the new rule is published in the federal register and the FCC submits a report to the House and Senate, Congress has a limited period of time to act. So let’s make sure they do.

Ask Congress to stand up for the Internet and overrule the FCC’s order and restore Open Internet Order. This is about the future of the Internet as we know it, so let’s make sure Congress treats it that way. Please contact your Member of Congress and tell them to use the Congressional Review Act to save net neutrality.

Thank you,

Katharine Trendacosta
Policy Analyst
Electronic Frontier Foundation
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